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7 benefits for expectant parents

Couple expecting child review information on a computer Couple expecting child review information on a computer Couple expecting child review information on a computer Couple expecting child review information on a computer

Key takeaways

Provide and educate employees on these benefits to alleviate stress during and exciting but challenging life event. 

Soon-to-be parents are focused on preparing for their new arrival, from choosing a name to stocking up on baby gear. However, it's also important to help them consider the benefits and policies that can help support them during and after pregnancy. 

Use this list to consider ways you can supplement your benefits and provide education to the soon-to-be parents in their workforce:

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA): The FMLA provides eligible employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for the birth or adoption of a child. This allows new moms to take time off work to bond with their baby and recover from childbirth without fear of losing their job. Some states provide additional time under state leave laws, so be sure to outline clearly what your employees are entitled to and how that will correspond with other benefits like Short Term Disability. 

Short-Term Disability insurance: Short-term disability insurance can provide income replacement if you are unable to work due to pregnancy-related complications or childbirth. This can help alleviate financial stress during a time when your employees may have increased medical expenses – be sure they know about this benefit BEFORE they are expecting, as many may not associate the coverage with maternity, so they are able to protect their income during a big life event. 

Life insurance: Life insurance is an important as it provides financial protection for the employee’s growing family, and it may not be top-of-mind to them to consider as they think through the many details of parental leave. 

Childcare benefits: Childcare can be a significant expense for new parents. Some employers offer childcare benefits, such as on-site daycare or subsidies for childcare costs. These benefits can help make it more feasible for you to return to work after having a baby. If you offer any childcare benefits, stipends or support, your employees may find relief in learning about them early.

Flexible work arrangements: Balancing work and parenting is challenging. The number of doctor’s appointments for baby and mom in the first year alone can be difficult. For employers who can offer them, flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting or flexible schedules, can help make it easier for new moms and dads to juggle their work and family responsibilities. 

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): EAPs provide resources and support for employees dealing with personal or work-related issues. This can be especially helpful for new moms who may be dealing with postpartum depression or other mental health concerns.

Breastfeeding support: Breastfeeding can be challenging, but many employers offer support for nursing mothers, such as lactation rooms or breast pumps. Some have even partnered with services like Milk Stork to be sure moms are able to continue breast feeding even during travel.  

Benefits and policies like these can help support you during and after pregnancy. From voluntary benefits like those from Optavise to leave policies to childcare support, these benefits can help make it easier to balance work and parenthood and provide financial and emotional support during this exciting and challenging time.